One of the best chocolate-toffees being manufactured since  early 30's in England; sold in millions of quantity annually. You might ask why  and the answer is that a box of these make up a complete package of different tastes and flavours so you never get bored.

Nowadays, you might have seen Quality Street boxes in every medium to large scale marts, luring you into buying them (or maybe just walking into the chocolate section and wondering next time you'll definitely buy one :P ). They might be a little expensive but are worth buying, with one large box at your disposal you can watch about 15 movies i reckon =D

Among all the flavours 'The Purple One' is the best I must say. This is the first one that is eliminated from the box, and is always the least in number (Coincidence? I think not -_-). The rest are good as well, caramel swirl being the runner-up. Be confident that the last ones left in your box will be 'Toffee Penny' and 'Orange Creme'. Toffee Penny is just like Eclairs but a tad harder to chew (especially in winters!); while Orange Creme just doesn't match my taste (so you might like it, but i've seen only few people who like orange flavours in chocolates).

The enjoyable part is the little menu pamphlet
which comes with the box and shows each chocolate type with a picture to identify it. Every time the box is opened, first the pamphlet is read and a chocolate is decided upon (even when the chocolate names and shapes are memorized) and then these 'carefully selected' chocolates are eaten. I would suggest you all go buy a box and cheer yourselves up! (since its monday and no one likes mondays   )

12/16/2013 03:37:41 pm

When I was a kid, I reckon it almost felt like a family feast to have quality street at home. A blissful day to fight over the purple and the Golden ones. My mother of course never imagined the worth of the box that was converted to threads and needles package by her (Sigh). The vibrant colours and the luscious taste has taken quality street to a divine position.

I am for sure having it in this week. Thank you for mesmerising my memory of Quality Street.


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    Just a candy lover who loves to try out new candies & chocolates and write about them :)


    December 2013

